Unite in Prayer: Embrace Community Spirituality Online Fervent
You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please pray for Lucy, Nicole, Johnny, Gene, Jarvis for them to truly repent and put their faith in trust in Jesus and read the Bible and for them to grow at a church and for the body to let them in. They are mostly on the street. They prayed to receive Jesus. Just praying for true conversion. For Calvary Chapel green Valley, First Love Church, Desert Hills Baptist, the Will of God Christian Center, and 3 Cord ministry church to adopt their zip codes for Jesus and for the body of Christ to be raised up and sent out here in Las Vegas and every city in the US thank u :)
Please pray for my many unsaved family members also for my husband to be healed from his infection.and for me and the constant pain in my back. Thank you.
Please pray for a Adair for his field trip he will not have allergy reactions
And for my work as well.
Thank you
Please pray for my husband to come back to God and for God to heal his physical heart, for it to get stronger.
Thank You!
Please pray for me, I am a new believer, please pray that I can always keep my eyes on the Lord.
Thank you!
Hello there. My name is: Gerrit Chassee. Please pray for me and my life. Please pray for me for my financial struggles. Please pray that my side hustle of a job can grows and I can profit. Please pray for me as I've been struggling in love. I have had too many things happen and I need prayers. Please pray for safety and for justice that the person who broke into my family members house get caught.
Thank you!
That God would please protect Chris my son when he drives. That God would save the man whose caused my son’s car accident, that we forgiven him and that God would protect us from being sued outside of our car insurance policy maximum.
Please pray for my aunt Deanna. Her job is begin attacked by the Trump administration. She is a veteran who has served the veteran struggling with mental health issues for over 20 years. She is a believer and she knows God has her, but she is scared.
Praying for these requests and thank you Lord for mild rain. Help us stay dry!. Have the roof repaired soon Lord. It's leaking big time. Your will be done in Jesus name amen
Please pray that my sons be open to see the Lord's path for their future. Also, that my husband and I can let go and let God during this overwhelming and uncertain time in our lives.
Please pray for Pastor Jorge from Santa Fe Calvary Chapel in Tijuana, he was rushed back to the hospital, a few hours after we was released.
Thank you
Please pray for sister-in-law Valerie for healing, please pray for Billy Baker Son, Alex, who is in AZ, and for Nathan who is a graduating senior.
Thank You
I wanted to praise God for today because he’s been speaking to me about timing when sharing the gospel. How much time do I have? I was at the light and a man with a sign asking for money was standing there so I let him through three of the 10 Commandments, which he had broken all three he lied, he stole, he also looked at Women with loss, intent, as if he had committed the son of adultery. he knew he was a sinner and we prayed the sinner prayer and then the light turned green. God is good all the time his name is Andrew please pray for him to grow in his walk with God and read the Bible and go to church and to be delivered from any addictions that are keeping him on the street and for him to get a great job and to have a great church fellowship like we have thank you Jesus name amen. I gave him a track and a church invite to the local church in the area.
Please pray for the healing of my kidneys. I have stage 4 kidney disease.
Please pray that the evangelism teaching that we did at our church would cause growth and draw the body of Christ to learn to increase in evangelism and receiving encouraging evangelism teaching. Lord, please fan into flames evangelist connections in our body who can encourage people that want to evangelize to go out often and consistently. Please pray for us all to grow in wisdom and understanding through evangelism, teaching and to be in prayer for all this the God would protect and bless this ministry like all of his ministries. in Jesus name amen
Could you please pray for Barbara, Aaliyah, Aaron, and Mary, they all received Jesus ‘s Lord and Savior. I just wanted to pray for their follow up and discipleship for them to go to a good church like ours that teaches the Bible so I’m going to go to their houses today and invite them to our church for service. God, please help him to come to our church and grow in their relationship and read the Bible and obey what it says so that they will grow in knowledge in a power view in Jesus name amen.
Could you please pray for my broken marriage, broken relationship with my children, I really don't know much more I can take. My life is collapsing around me. I am sinking in deep despair. Things seem truly hopeless.
Please pray that my anxieties will go away. Been suffering for 4 years with no relief. I am a Jewish believer in Christ and lived in Vegas 2002 till 2011 and attended CCLM and was the principal Drummer on the Worship Team. Love Fervent and Pastor Jimmy and Pastor David. Thank you. I need my life back. God bless You
Please pray for me and my family as our livelihood is threatened by the upcoming job cuts. I pray not only for us, but also for the tens of thousands of workers and their families who will be affected. May God provide comfort, strength, and hope during this uncertain time. In Jesus' mighty name, I pray. Amen.
My daughter's friend, Megan's dad died in a horrible car accident and friend Chuck is in bad shape trying to stay alive fighting for his life.
Please pray for, Curt. He’s contending with complications of a double lung transplant. Everything started off miraculously but tough times have been encountered and that is not totally out of the realm of reason, but it’s still difficult to encounter. Please pray for his wife, Lori and the family as they are on this health restoration journey with him. Thank you.
Requesting prayer for my friend’s son, (by permission) Jonathan Bigas. He’s recently had a nervous breakdown and has returned home. Things are not good and she’s very concerned about him asked me to share with anyone who will pray for him. He is not walking with the, Lord. Thank you for praying.
Want to be part of the Prayer Team?
Join us Sundays at 5pm in the Multi-Purpose Room
or Wednesdays at 6 pm in the Red Room.
9AM† & 11AM* – Sunday Morning
2PM – Sunday Spanish Service
6PM – Sunday Evening
7PM† – Wednesday Evening