Unite in Prayer: Embrace Community Spirituality Online Fervent
hello, my name is Crystal I'm in a situation where I live in a old breaking down RV
i suffer with CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE AND Arthritis use a walker I had to move off my land in Pahrump and was in need of works I took the little money I had to come to Las Vegas for work I'm currently parked at the Eastern Library off 28th street in Las Vegas
I need a safe place to park and take the bus to work i also have a dog with me her name is Sparkle We been praying God will send me someone
Want to be part of the Prayer Team?
Join us Sundays at 5pm in the Multi-Purpose Room
or Wednesdays at 6 pm in the Red Room.
9AM† & 11AM* – Sunday Morning
2PM – Sunday Spanish Service
6PM – Sunday Evening
7PM† – Wednesday Evening